Each session is one hour.
After booking, a tutor will reach out to you via text for scheduling.
Our commitment is to offer the best tutoring in Bloomington.
Over the last ten years, we've serviced thousands of individual tutoring sessions. Our carefully selected private tutors have excelled in their respective courses. They offer hundreds of hours of tutoring and teaching experience to help you reach your academic goal. They understand the material inside and out and can communicate it clearly. They are committed to helping you understand it as well, whatever your learning style may be.
We offer packages of sessions as well as a single-session option. Pre-paid sessions can be scheduled at anytime throughout the semester and can be used for multiple courses. All sessions are one-on-one, student with expert tutor.
Our guarantee: if the service provided isn't meeting expectations or there are any issues with scheduling, then we will fully refund your session.